Local nature recovery strategies

Supporting with the creation of a Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) for Oxfordshire.

View of mixed rural land in Oxfordshire


Local nature recovery strategies are a system of spatial strategies for nature and environmental improvement required by law under the Environment Act.

In Oxfordshire, the OLNP is working closely with Oxfordshire County Council (the responsible authority) and many other partners to ensure our LNRS delivers the best possible outcomes for nature. To do this, it is key we engage all relevant stakeholders, particularly those who will be the main delivers and funders (ie community groups, farmers/landowners, and businesses) as early in the process as possible.

In June 2023, OLNP used our annual Forum event as a first point of engagement on LNRS following the publication of the LNRS scondary regulations and guidance in May. The data and views collected at the event will inform more targeted stakeholder engagement sessions throughout the process. It is anticipated that the LNRS process will be completed by January 2025.