Green Social Prescribing

Supporting people to engage in nature-based activities to improve their mental and physical health.

Photo of a child enjoying nature


Spending time in a natural environment has been shown to have positive benefits for people's mental and physical health. However, access to green space is not equal. Green social prescribing supports people to engage in nature-based interventions to improve their mental and physical health.

Green social prescribing includes both what is known as green and blue activities. These could include local walking schemes, community gardening projects, conservation volunteering, green gyms, open water swimming or arts and cultural activities which take place outdoors. These activities may be ‘prescribed’ by link workers based in GP practices (and other trusted professionals) alongside other forms of support, for example, referrals to support for housing or finances – based on the needs and circumstances of each individual.

What we're doing

The OLNP is engaging with the NHS to maximise referrals to nature based activities and is working with community groups to increase their capacity and capability to support people referred to them.

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